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Prince of Tennis » Challenge » Challenge – Chapter Ten

Challenge – Chapter Ten

The team brings the results to their captain. Drama, I-3

Pairing(s): Yagyuu/Niou

“I will go in first, and explain,” Sanada said, firmly.

Waiting through Yukimura’s surgery and post-operative evaluation had squelched all fears and uncertainties save the ones that related directly to their captain’s health. The news that he was well, and even expected to be strong again, soon, while joyful and welcome, had allowed smaller concerns to resurface. Sanada, in particular, was almost back to his usual, dour, stubborn, pig-headed self.

“It wasn’t just your loss,” Akaya said, softly, head bowed. Masaharu thought his double loss had shaken him pretty badly. Yagyuu thought it was more his strange awakening during his tournament match. Whatever it was, it snapped Sanada, at least temporarily, out of his self-flagellation. He took Akaya by the shoulder and shook him a little.

“Enough, Akaya,” he said, more gently. “You drove yourself well past your limits, all the way to collapse. There was no more you could have done. And if this had never come to you,” he paused, seeming to search for words, “your game would never have become real. Honorable losses are simply an invitation to win next time.”

Masaharu straightened from his slouch against the wall, and exchanged a surprised look with Yagyuu. He had heard Sanada say broadly similar things before, but never quite so bluntly, and certainly not any time this year. Apparently, Akaya wasn’t the only one who had gotten his attitude realigned by shock.

Akaya looked up, gaze solemn. “Yours, too, then. Sanada-fukubuchou,” he stated.

Sanada blinked, opened his mouth, and closed it again. A slightly unwilling smile took over his face, and he ruffled Akaya’s hair. “You’ll be a good captain, next year,” he said, a touch ruefully. Akaya’s ears turned rather red, and he lowered his eyes. Chuckles ran among them all.

“We are a team,” Yagyuu pointed out. “We win or lose as a team. It’s only right that we all be present.”

Sanada finally capitulated with a wordless grunt and turned to lead them down the hall to their captain’s room. They all filed in and arranged themselves around the bed Yukimura reclined in, looking a bit wan, but brighter of eye than he had for some time. Sanada stepped forward, and Masaharu could see his shoulders brace.

“Yukimura,” he started, low, “I have to ask your forgiveness.”

Yukimura tilted his head with a small smile. “What, for running late? I didn’t say so, but I thought you probably would.”

Masaharu winced, and caught Marui with a similar expression out of the corner of his eye.

“No,” Sanada said, struggling a little, now. “Yukimura,” he took a deep breath, “we lost. My… our promise to you is broken. Forgive me.” He looked aside, unable to hold their captain’s eye.

Yukimura looked at him for a long moment, and swept his gaze over the rest of the team as well. They shifted under it, none of them able to lift their eyes. Masaharu nibbled on his lower lip. Yukimura didn’t hold Masaharu’s soul in his hand, the way he did Yagyuu’s or Kirihara’s. Or, for that matter, Sanada’s and Yanagi’s. But Masaharu, who respected very little, respected his captain’s strength and insight. Having failed his trust made Masaharu squirm. If he felt like this, he was half surprised that Sanada wasn’t bowed to the floor.

“Did you play your best?” Yukimura asked, at last.

“Yes,” Sanada answered, sure of that, though Masaharu also heard an edge of helplessness in it, as if he wasn’t sure how both things could be true. Yukimura raised a hand to close over Sanada’s.

“Then there is no shame in losing. You gave everything to this match, even when I was not there to make sure of it. I’m proud of you. All of you.” His eyes moved over his team again, before coming back to rest on Sanada, and the absolution of his acceptance felt like a weight lifted. Everyone breathed again, and Masaharu observed spines straightening all over the room. Except for Sanada, who couldn’t have gotten his any straighter without the help of a rack; he was slumping to a more normal, human posture.

Yukimura tugged on Sanada. “Steal some chairs, and sit down and tell me about it.”

Masaharu slipped out with a grin, only to hear Yukimura’s laughing voice send Yagyuu after him. Yagyuu, the spoil-sport, smiled politely at a passing nurse and extracted extra chairs with ease. Masaharu mock-sulked at his captain when they returned, only be be laughed at again.

“Everyone tells me that the both of you have already had your fun, Niou. Surely you can skip terrorizing the hospital just for today.”

“Just for you,” Masaharu agreed, trying not to grin like an idiot.

They took turns, telling each other’s stories, and Yukimura soothed his singles players when those accounts brought up fresh anxieties.

“…actually made Jackal-senpai sweat, until Marui-senpai decided to show off again.” Thwap! “Ow!”

“Yagyuu was in a fine taking; exactly like Niou in a really foul mood, except he ignores Sanada when he’s pissed off…”

“…really nailed the other player. That was vicious, Yagyuu-senpai.”

“Do you really think you have room to talk, Akaya-kun?”

“…and don’t turn your back on that data specialist of theirs; he’s sneaky.”

“And considering the source…”

“It was interesting that Inui himself thought the result of the match came down to chance.”

“Do you wish to play him again, Renji?” Yukimura interjected. Yanagi looked down at his hands, obscuring the tilted smile on his face.

“I think so, yes,” he said, at length. Yukimura touched his wrist, and nodded firmly when he looked up. Yanagi’s smile un-tilted, and he nodded back. Masaharu decided, as the chatter picked up again, that Yukimura was pleased that Yanagi refused to back away from this challenge.

“…Akaya went completely around the bend,” Marui concluded his tale of Singles Two.

“Fine for you to say,” Akaya grumbled, “I barely remember a thing about it. Just… it was just…” he trailed off, uncertainly.

Yukimura held his eyes. “You can tell me later,” he offered, gently. Akaya nodded, biting his lip.

“And that kid…!”

“He paid for it pretty hard, though.”


“He was,” Sanada paused, looking grim, “unexpected.”

“Someone like that is difficult to calculate or account for,” Yagyuu noted.

“That doesn’t make losing to him any more acceptable,” Sanada insisted. Yukimura sighed.

“Sanada,” he rapped out, the bite of command that none of them had heard in too long back in his voice, “you know there’s more to it than that. Have you completely forgotten what I said on this subject last time?”

Sanada, Masaharu was intrigued to note, glanced sidelong at Akaya. A slight flush surfaced along his cheekbones. Was that where that little bit of advice in the hall had come from?

“I remember,” he murmured.

“Good,” Yukimura stated, definitely.

Finally, a nurse came to chase them out, saying that it was time for Yukimura-kun to rest.

“I should be released in a few days,” he told them, happiness coloring his face, “I’ll be back soon.”

“We’ll be waiting for you,” Sanada answered. “It will be good to have you back again.”

The team bounced or strolled or stalked their way home, according to personality, breaking off toward their houses once they got back to their own neighborhood. As Masaharu and Yagyuu reached their turn-offs, Yagyuu paused, turning very slightly toward Masaharu.

He was getting better, since Yukimura pointed it out, at reading these little incitements for what they were. Masaharu gave his partner a half smile, and asked, “Mind some company for a while?”

“It would be welcome,” Yagyuu answered, cool as if he hadn’t just silently asked for some. Masaharu ran a hand through his hair, laughing to himself at the two of them.

While he’d really had something a little more vigorous in mind, and suspected his partner had as well, when he nudged Yagyuu onto his bed and followed him down they somehow stopped there. Lying, wrapped around each other, almost fully clothed, they simply held on and breathed together, watching the sunlight from the window creep off the bed and onto the floor.

“Is it over, do you think?” Yagyuu asked, at last, barely whispering in the silence. He didn’t protest when Masaharu twined a hand into his hair, drawing his head down to Masaharu’s shoulder.

“This part is, yes,” Masaharu answered, looking up at the ceiling. “I think Sanada will calm down again, some. And Akaya, too, long enough for Yukimura to take him back in hand. And you?”

Yagyuu shivered, and his arms tightened around Masaharu. Masaharu didn’t normally ask such things so bluntly, but, then, normally he didn’t have to. He honestly wasn’t sure how stressed or relieved or, possibly, over the edge his partner was right now.

“He’s coming back.” Yagyuu’s whisper was harsher, choked. “That’s enough.”

Masaharu tightened his hold in return. “You know, it’s a good thing I’m not the jealous type,” he said, against his partner’s temple. Yagyuu laughed, at that.

“Of course you are,” he contradicted, firmly. “Our teammates are the only people you’re willing to share me with. The last time anyone else so much as touched my arm, if I recall correctly, you made everyone think he was challenging Sanada one on one; he could barely pick up his racquet the next day.”

“He had it coming,” Masaharu growled. Yagyuu raised his head and looked down at him.

“Case in point,” he noted rather dryly.

“Mutual monopoly,” Masaharu shrugged. “It’s only fair.” Yagyuu’s eyes sharpened.

“Do I have a monopoly on you?” he asked, softly.

“I thought that was obvious,” Masaharu told him, raising his brows. “It isn’t as if I play tricks for anyone’s benefit but my own and yours.”

“Only you,” Yagyuu chuckled, “would measure it by such a standard, Niou.”

Masaharu made a pleased sound, to hear his bare name in his partner’s mouth, and an even more pleased one when Yagyuu leaned down and kissed him, long and close.

The day Yukimura returned, he was almost mobbed by his delighted club until Sanada barked for everyone to get back to work and the ingrained habit of dangerous months sent them all scattering out of Sanada’s path. Yukimura’s brows lifted a bit, at that, and, when Sanada avoided his gaze, his eyes narrowed. But he seemed willing to set it aside for the time being.

Masaharu reflected, a touch smugly, that he would not wish to be Sanada at any time in the near future. Not, of course, that he ever had wished to be someone so utterly humorless. Casting an eye over the team, he catalogued Jackal as relieved and Marui as gleeful. Not much surprise on that second; Yukimura was generally indulgent of Marui’s histrionics as long as they didn’t interfere with his playing. Sanada was apprehensive, in his own iron-faced way, while Yanagi seemed… exasperated? Now that was unusual. Akaya, predictably, was floating somewhere around cloud nine, and Yagyuu was quietly, subtly glowing. Masaharu grinned.

“Hey,” he nudged his partner, “want to ask Yukimura and Yanagi for a match?”

“If Yukimura-san has no specific plans for the team, today,” Yagyuu agreed, smiling faintly.

Feeling his partner’s glittering, charged presence reach out to fold around him, as they fought to counter the other pair’s combination, Masaharu could barely keep from laughing out loud. Yukimura was back. They were all back, released from their fear and agitation and distraction, back to the place they belonged. Now they could face Seigaku’s challenge properly.

When they took their first game from Yukimura and Yanagi, Masaharu and his partner shared an identical, gleaming smile.

Yes. Everyone was back where they belonged.


Last Modified: Feb 10, 12
Posted: Jun 22, 04
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Keeph, Kuro-neko-kun, rosadina, Natasha, +pluster, Queen_Amunet, order_of_chaos and 27 other readers sent Plaudits.

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  1. soloproject


    I hate you. You made me cry in public! *glares at people in net cafe*

    It’s…*scrolls up and down* over? Awww…man, no! but it was lovely of course and I will pimp your fic until the day I die.

    “Enough, Akaya,” he said, more gently. “You drove yourself well past your limits, all the way to collapse. There was no more you could have done. And if this had never come to you,” he paused, seeming to search for words, “your game would never have become real. Honorable losses are simply an invitation to win next time.”

    The most beautiful line in the whole entire story. It sums up everything, just zips it up into place. And Sanada! *shockers* I’m feeling very affectionate with him right now but it is in his characterization and I could not ask for more. Akaya is freaky adorable this time and Yukimura! Oh how they love him and we do too.

    Niou and Yagyuu have been great, just *squish* and wonderful witnesses to the whole thing. I wonder though, you refer to Niou as Masaharu but Yagyuu is never Hiroshi? Or am I missing something?

    Thank you, thank you, thank you for this little gem! ♥ ♥ ♥ I’m going to print every bit of it and just read the whole thing over and over and over.

    1. branchandroot Post author

      Awww *snuggles* didn’t mean to. *bats eyelashes*

      Names, yeah. Thing is, I usually write in intimate third person, so what gets narrated is my pov character’s thoughts. Most people think of themselves by their given names (ergo, Masaharu), but it didn’t quite seem that Niou would think of his partner as Hiroshi yet.

      But you’re welcome, you’re welcome, you’re welcome! *heartsback* There will be more in the same arc, following quite shortly.

        1. lady-readwolf

          or anyone, really—just, um, *please* write more Rikkai ’cause this was…. {words fail to describe}

          {sighs happily-sad-like} Don’t wanna believe it’s over. But I guess we just have to wait for more, ne?

          Hey, in the anime did they *show* Rikkai dai confronting Yukimura with the news of their loss? I know the manga’s not there yet, but… Well, I haven’t seen much Rikkai in recent episodes except for Sanada and Kirihara (and isn’t it weird that the others didn’t make an appearance? Why is Seigaku’s team the only complete team? And Hyotei’s *almost* complete—though I *still* don’t understand why Gakuto’s not there), so, I guess there’s still a *lot* of open air surrounding Rikkai right now… {pouts}

          Still… you did a remarkable job at keeping this story in Masaharu’s point of view, and I’m looking forward to the point when Yagyuu becomes Hiroshi, and, hey! {only-semi-teasingly} maybe even that foursome between the doubles players, ne?

          1. branchandroot Post author

            More coming!

            *wails* No, they didn’t show anything in the anime! I was so distressed. I’m hoping they’ll weave it back in, as Konomi makes up his mind how he wants to play it. *pouts too*

            So, let’s see! *looks at bunnies* UST and smut, today, I think. That balances nicely, doesn’t it? *sweet smile*

            1. lady-readwolf

              {stretches lazily} hmmm… some down right smut *does* sound good…. I guess I should get back to editing “OZ” {pouts} I’ve been enjoying my break off from having to write my own darn fics.

              {smacks lips} Okay! Already having your pairings picked out? Already have the fic written, perchance? ^_______^

  2. muscatlove

    *happy sighs* So, so lovely. I have been seriously lazy and didn’t comment on parts 4-10 (XD;;;) but I really loved each one. Particularly the sex scenes, and not just because it was sex, but because you had a very refreshing way of writing them that really came together at those moments in particular. However, the entire fic was really just a pleasure to read, and especially nice that all the parts came out so fast. ^^ I am in awe of your talent, and I really look forward to seeing what you write next. (And I second the other requests for more Rikkai.. as a team they haven’t had the attention they deserve in fandom yet, for all it feels like everyone is talking about them lately, and you definitely do them justice). ^^

    1. branchandroot Post author

      *bounces happily* Glad you liked it all! I do, usually, try to write sex that has some point; good to know it worked.

      *salutes* More Rikkai is in the pipe!

  3. love

    Oh, wow. I just sped through the entire 10 parts, and I have to say . . . *sigh* You are amazing, and I LOVE your psychological analysis. I’ve added you to the list of people on my “when I grow up I wanna be just like . . . ” list. (Considering I’m legally “grown-up” that’s kinda tough, but the point is, you’re amazing, you’re wonderful, and I will permanently walk around referring to you as “Ravenwood-sensei” because you are a wonderfulwonderfulWONDERFUL author.

    *melts into a fangirly puddle of goo*

  4. naanima


    Wonderful ending to a wonderful story. I have gushed as much as I can, so now I await for your sequels. Whether they be the Power3, SanaKiri, or more Yagyuu/Niou. I await your masterpiece. And in the main time I re-read this.

    And yes, I do agree with you on the Power3 relationship. There does seem to be a lack sexual charge between the 3 (not saying it won’t or haven’t happened), it’s just seems their dynamics are a bit more complex. And seriosuly, Sana/Kiri have chemistry ^_^


  5. provetheworst

    I have to say, I remember some of your FMA fic, and I didn’t like it at all. Sorry. So I was a little apprehensive to read all of this, but it was rec’ed, and I was in the mood for some D1… and I got Rikkai! *squee* Rikkai, Rikkai, Rikkai! And they’re actually Rikkai, you have them, yes~!

    I love your interactions between everyone, the Troika and Kirihara, D1, D2, all of them, yes. The team’s reaction to Yukimura’s illness was right, and… I like your Kirihara. The fact that I love Kiri anyway probably helped, but bwahaha. I wanna squish him.

    And your D1! There’s tension, but at the same time they work and I like that.

    And o, how easily I fall into bouts of fangirlism for D1.
    … there’s no chance of getting YanaKiri out of you, is there?

    ..go, rikkai, go! ♥

    1. branchandroot Post author

      *waves a hand* As Niou put it, to each her own.

      Glad you liked it!

      *puzzled* For some reason YanaKiri just hasn’t pinged for me. I like reading it when other people write it, but none of my bunnies seem to be of that breed. And it’s not like there isn’t plenty of material to work with… *shrugs*

      1. provetheworst

        Liked it lots, yes. ♥ I’d add it to my memories, only adding ten parts of one fic seems a little silly… hrm.

        No YanaKiri bunnies? TwT Woe! <– shallow, yo. The pairing can be so terribly fun.. hm. Ah well! Inspiration hits where it hits, after all, right? And it would be stupid to force anything. … but if you ever do write any YanaKiri… ;D

  6. mica-chan

    I’m running out of time, so I’ll be short.
    I loved all ten parts. It was the first Yagyuu/Niou fic I really, really liked, because you not fell in the mistake almost all fanfic authors fell: do them change so much that they can’t be recognized anymore. (sorry, but I really think it’s impossible to people who really know them not be able to say who is who…in a game I can understand an adversary don’t being able, but not friends, family and things like that…that’s why I like the fact that they only changed twice in this fic).

    But what really matters is that I liked your fic, I liked the way you portraited Rikkai Dai, I loved Sanada…and Yukimura…and Yanagi too, and…well, I’ll read the next fic ^_^

    Just a question (because I read the manga too long ago): who has the light hair and the dark hair? (about Yagyuu and Niou, of course).

    1. branchandroot Post author

      *complimented* You have to figure, if no one else noticed, Yanagi would almost have to. I mean, it’s practically his job description.


      *thinks* Yagyuu has dark hair and Niou has light. And they get their regular hair colors back with little more than the swipe of a towel, after the match, hence my speculation about high-ticket make-up chemicals.

  7. mica-chan

    I’m running out of time, so I’ll be short.
    I loved all ten parts. It was the first Yagyuu/Niou fic I really, really liked, because you not fell in the mistake almost all fanfic authors fell: do them change so much that they can’t be recognized anymore. (sorry, but I really think it’s impossible to people who really know them not be able to say who is who…in a game I can understand an adversary don’t being able, but not friends, family and things like that…that’s why I like the fact that they only changed twice in this fic).

    But what really matters is that I liked your fic, I liked the way you portraited Rikkai Dai, I loved Sanada…and Yukimura…and Yanagi too, and…well, I’ll read the next fic ^_^

    Just a question (because I read the manga too long ago): who has the light hair and the dark hair? (about Yagyuu and Niou, of course).

    PS: If I put this comment twice, I’m sorry…my internet is totally crazy today.

  8. featherypony

    Okay, it’s taken me a long time to read this because work and sleep interfere with my time online. So I hope you get this. ^^ But…I love it. Most D1 fics I’ve read I’ve really liked…D1 seems to bring out the best writers…but I really, really love this fic. I didn’t want it to end. Um…there’s a lot more I wanted to say, about characterization and whatnot and such and such, but I don’t think I can find the words to express it (especially on so little sleep). I’m bad at that. However, I will say that I loved your portrayal of everyone on the team. *nods* And I am going to go read the other parts of the arc now. *nods*

    That said, would you um…mind if I added this journal as a friend? >>

    1. branchandroot Post author

      *sparkles* Thank you! I’m glad to hear you liked it. *commiserates* Wouldn’t life be easier if we didn’t have to sleep?

      And, please, feel free to friend. Welcome!

  9. beckymarie

    *lets out a deep breath* You know, okay, I haven’t read THAT much Rikkai fic, but I’ve read a fair amount, and there’s a lot of GOOD stuff out there, but I’ve never seen anything quite like what you did with this story–that you gave them all three-dimensional personalities and backgrounds and motivations and reactions and it all made sense. I am in absolute love with how you handled the switch, that Yagyuu wanted it, too, and why he wanted it. His issues with authority really was beautifully done–if you’d told me about it beforehand, I probably would have been on the fence and gone, “Ehhh, I’ll see, I suppose.” but actually reading it… reading about the way Kirihara came into their midst, the way Yagyuu and Niou’s relationship developed, their reactions to the Golden Pair match (I loved the way you handled that, too–instead of just reiterating what happened, you went deeper and explained how Niou–and the others as well–reacted to those matches, so it was fun to ‘rewatch’ the matches because I felt like I understood the whole thing on a deeper level.), so many other things. You really wrote a defining Rikkai fic for me, a fic that explained them, put all the pieces we had on them together into a coherent whole. I would ♥ you just for that.

    But THEN you gave us gorgeous, gorgeous Yagyuu/Niou interaction–the way Niou is constantly aware of where Yagyuu is, the way they work together on the court… that all felt so right, like you knew exactly what you were talking about, that you knew exactly how their tennis worked, that you understood everything and explained that to the audience beautifully. I really came away from the story awed at how much insight was packed into the story–the way you explained Yukimura’s important to the team and how he affected each member, the way you wrote Kirihara’s entrance and the developing fondness they all had for him, and the way Yukimura treated him to gather Kirihara’s respect… holy crap, that was fabulous and made so much bloody sense that Kirihara is like he is and acted the way he acted in the series itself.

    And then there were all those little details packed into the story, too–that Yagyuu noticed Niou was starting to concentrate his tricks on people that bugged either himself or Yagyuu, the way their doubles style evolved, the way Niou was aware of Yagyuu’s style and insight, the way there was this whole team dynamic, and eight million other details that I could never remember in one sitting. I loved that the whole thing was so… it’s hard to find the right word, it’s not quite dense, but ‘meaty’, perhaps, in that each chapter gave me something to sink my teeth into, not only furthering them along on the timeline of events, but also unfolding that much more insight into how they worked. I really can’t get over that. XD;;

    Plus, OMG, I loved the way the sex finally happened. It wasn’t meaningless, it was very much filled with feelings, but it wasn’t sappy or saccharine–I loved, loved, LOVED that they clearly cared so much about each other, but never really had to say it, never had to tell each other they loved each other, but you weren’t avoiding it, either. (With some fics, it really feels like the author wants to have them confess their undying love, but doesn’t do it because it’s too far over the schmoopy line, you know?) They just… are what they are and that’s enough for them.

    *spazzes* I can’t tell you how much I utterly adored this and the explaining you did of Rikkai’s D1 and the other characters *and* wrote a lovely story. …..err, didn’t mean to babble that much, eheh. XD;;;

    1. branchandroot Post author

      *overwhelmed* Wow! Thank you! *hearts in eyes*

      And thank you for enabling it, because, you know, for the longest time I was kind of ‘eh, Rikkai, whatever’, but then I Saw The Light! *winks*

  10. caprix

    I’m writing this at 4am on a sunday morning because I’ve just finished marathoning this fic. I hope I don’t sound too incoherent. First, I’d like to offer my sincerest thanks for gifting us with such a well-written fanfic. *sparkle*

    Seriously, this is one of those fanfics where the characters just come to life. You’ve taken 2D characters that we have next to no background on and given them distinct personalities, fears, and motivations. ♥_♥

    It’s funny, because I came to this fic thinking it would be another “D1 does the switcheroo” premise. Boy, was I ever surprised! This is the first piece of tenipuri fanfiction I’ve read where an entire team gets fleshed out in a believable (and canon-complying) fashion. I mean, not even Seigaku gets such good treatment! ^_^

    I love how your Yukimura is so strong; how your Sanada and Yanagi are so close to their captain; how your Niou is so perceptive; how your Yagyuu has a devilish side; and how your Akaya is the baby of the team. I also love how they’re so recognizably Rikkai dai. That, I think, is the most amazing aspect of your fic. The fact that you’ve written such real characters out of practically nothing, while they remain true to their 2D portrayal.

    *____* Okay, I’ll stop sparkling at you now. Thanks for such a great read!

    1. branchandroot Post author

      *vast blushing* You’re very welcome, and thank you very much! I’m glad you liked it, and it means a lot to me to know that, after all the extrapolation, the characters still ring true to their source.

      *eyes muses* It was actually supposed to just be a D1 story, but the rest of the team waltzed in and demanded their own time. I was helpless to resist. The Rikkai boys really have eaten my soul.

      *muses high-five each other and smirk*

  11. rainedrops

    This story is so beautifully written… down to the very details. If my brain worked better I would give you a more insightful comment but it’s just so filled with Rikkai (especially Nioh/Yagyuu) fandom right now it’s turned a little mushy >_<

    Love this story, every part of it =) Now onto reading the other extensions you’ve made for this arc =D

  12. solaas

    Just found this fic via other people’s LJ Memories and whatnot.

    It’s fantastic. Fan-tas-tic. I’m fairly new to the PoT fandom, and have spent the last couple of months being delighted that the fandom is so large that I manage to find many competent writers and good stories. This one stands out, though. I think it’s, if not the best I’ve read, certainly in the top three.

    Living, breathing characterisation, excellent flow, good mix of drama, humour and angst, good sense of time passing, and the way you slipped the sex scene in so naturally… It’s very, very rare to see such a thing done in a fanfic.

    Also, the wrist band comment? Effing brilliant!

    Thank you for writing this! 😀

    And for keeping your posts unlocked, so’s I could read them. ^^

    1. branchandroot Post author

      *beams* Thank you! It’s always good to hear when someone liked these stories.

      And I have to admit, this one is my personal favorite of all my PoT stories to date. Not even the rest of the Challenge arc was quite such a… pure experience to write. So there’s an extra glow when people like this one. ^_^

  13. dreamcatcher

    I thoroughly enjoyed the way this story involved the whole team and took us through so many of their different struggles. But, yes, my heart still lies with Noiu and Yagyuu and their wonderful dynamic. Beautifully written, thanks for the story.

    1. branchandroot Post author

      Thank you! I do dearly love those two. *wry* Enough that I actually revised this some, after more of the manga came out, which I almost never do. It’s great to hear you enjoyed it!

  14. Kata

    Wooooooooow (claps her hands in honour of your abilities and talent)

    It really shows that you have an affection for the characters. This is one of the best fics I have ever read. It doesn’t even feel like reading a fic about anime characters, it’s way more realistic than either the manga or the anime. They’re so faithful to themselves even while you slowly unwrap them to the reader and move the telling.

    It’s just so perfect.

    My most honest of thanks for sharing this. I’m just not very literal with things, so it’s hard to express how it was to read and what I liked in particular. Reading this was a joy I don’t meet nearly every month (or year).

    1. Icon for BranchBranch Post author

      *blushing* Thank you so much! It really means a lot to hear that someone enjoys my stories that much.

      Especially one like this, that took complete possession of my life for a few weeks! It’s still one of my favorites.

      1. Kata

        This will be my favourite for life (starry eyes). I will quite never forget it.

        From me it would have taken years to write something this long and the result would have been nothing but torture material. I really love this site. Feels like an early Christmas. The link to the site is going to be one of my treasures.

        As a habit I will read this more than once, because it just is THAT good. I’ll probably comment more on a later date though. Commenting is much more tiring than reading, but you more than deserve every word of praise I can type with my English.

  15. alsepang

    The main reason why I love reading Challenge, is because of how the words have opened up Niou’s and Rikkaidai’s world in a very special way. As I read, I’m walking in their shoes. That’s the feeling I get.

    I’m not just a reader and this is not just any story. I am what they say and do, and how they feel, and the way they see things around them.

    I…am them. It’s such a wild, inexplicable feeling– I felt like I was flying when reading this. I haven’t felt like this for so long.

    Thank you so very, very, very much.

    1. Icon for BranchBranch Post author

      *simply glowing* Thank you so much! It’s really wonderful to hear that I could give someone that experience of immersion, especially with characters I’m so fond of.

  16. spirit

    i read a story of Platinum pair before and Chi-chan..i mean, Yukimuras reaction was completely different from this one, so im prertty surprised as how it turned out in the end. not that im that much of a sadist to see Rikkai regulars suffer from his wrath anyway :))
    anyway, it was awesome. im fascinated by ur writing skill, how u describe Rikkai’s tennis club life. it was short, but enjoyable, and my feeling for Nious simply more encraved than ever. thanks so much for writing this fic!

    1. Icon for BranchBranch Post author

      Glad you enjoyed it!

      Yes, this was one of the early stories, when we really didn’t know anything at all about Yukimura so all of us were guessing. There are some very different characterizations that came out of those months! It took all ten chapters of this for me to really feel I had a grip on the little hints we’d gotten at that point.
