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Bleach » Standalone » At Your Feet

At Your Feet

Renji contemplates how he acts with his captain. Written for the Porn Battle prompt: Byakuya/Renji, any form of power play. Porn with Characterization, I-3.

Pairing(s): Byakuya/Renji

Renji almost never gave his captain a full salute.

Other people almost never noticed.

Renji figured it was just Kuchiki-taichou’s attitude that kept them from seeing it, the same way everyone thought Kuchiki-taichou was taller than he really was. But he noticed. He watched the way the other vice-captains were with their captains. There were the casual ones like Rangiku and Yachiru who teased everyone, including their superiors. There were the punctilious ones like Iba and Hisagi who wouldn’t dream of reporting without a formal bow. There were resentful ones like Oomaeda and exasperated ones like Ise, not that he could blame her, but there didn’t seem to be any other vice-captains quite like him.

Ones who were always proper. Always respectful. But almost never knelt down in a full salute.

Renji knew no one had noticed because no one said anything. No one looked surprised when he and his captain met. No one ever mentioned how odd it was that Kuchiki-taichou didn’t seem to mind, when he was such a stickler for formality.

So Renji never had to decide whether or not to tell anyone that he thought Kuchiki-taichou knew the reason why he didn’t.

That he thought Kuchiki-taichou liked it.

Liked it that Renji wanted it to mean something.

Renji never bowed for the sake of formality. Only for rightness. Only when they were out on duty. Only when he chased something at Kuchiki-taichou’s side. When they hunted, it was right; his place was at his captain’s feet, waiting to be released.

Waiting for the light touch of fingers against his nape that made him bow his head and shiver, kneeling beside his captain. Waiting for his captain’s command.

Renji didn’t want to fritter this away in empty forms; this meant something.

Something he’d always kind of thought Kuchiki-taichou liked just as much as he did.

And now he had the proof of it. The proof of Kuchiki-taichou’s hands in his loose hair and Kuchiki-taichou’s cock sliding between his lips. The proof of Kuchiki-taichou’s hips flexing under his hands as he fucked Renji’s mouth slowly. The proof of Kuchiki-taichou’s faint smile at Renji’s moans and the heavy darkness of his eyes, looking down at Renji.

Renji spread his knees wider on the floor and Kuchiki-taichou stepped closer between them, thrusting deeper into Renji’s mouth, slow and deliberate. His hands in Renji’s hair held him still for it and Renji shuddered.

It meant something when he knelt for his captain.



Last Modified: Feb 09, 12
Posted: Feb 29, 08
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  1. dorrie6

    The proof of Kuchiki-taichou’s faint smile at Renji’s moans and the heavy darkness of his eyes, looking down at Renji.

    This seems especially in-character for Byakuya.

    Also, I love the last line.

        1. branchandroot Post author

          Very prickly, yes. *wistful*

          Though I sometimes think it would be easier if I just left Rukia in the picture. So that Renji is with Byakuya and Rukia and Rukia is with Renji and Ichigo and Ichigo is with Ruki and Orihime and so on. *grins* Bleach gives me this urge to make porn daisy-chains.

  2. mitsuhachi

    When they hunted, his right place was at his captain’s feet, waiting to be released.

    Waiting for the light touch of fingers against his nape that made him bow his head and shiver, kneeling beside his captain. Waiting for his captain’s command.

    Wow. Just. Wow. Can I friend you?

  3. badpenny

    Oh. My. Yes!

    I didn’t realize Byakuya was hot until this. Renji, yes. He is all flavors of hot. And now Byakuya is, too:

    The proof of Kuchiki-taichou’s hands in his loose hair and Kuchiki-taichou’s cock sliding between his lips. The proof of Kuchiki-taichou’s hips flexing under his hands as he fucked Renji’s mouth slowly. The proof of Kuchiki-taichou’s faint smile at Renji’s moans and the heavy darkness of his eyes, looking down at Renji.


    1. Icon for BranchBranch Post author

      *hearts* It’s probably some kind of alternate universe, seventeen degrees rotated from canon!Renji, but slightly-sub!Renji is just so damn hot.

  4. mysocalledhell@livejournal

    wow … that was absolutely beautiful … I love it … *drools on keyboard* eeeep … *reads again* … *drools more* I don’t care … it’s just so pretty … I <3 sub!Renji.

  5. gwy@livejournal

    Wow that was really good! i really liked it, short story with a meaning AND porn 😉
    I love Renji as a sub (i can also see Byakuya as a sub though^^), i hope to read more from you?!


    1. Icon for BranchBranch Post author

      Thank you so much! I do seem to keep coming back to Bleach when the bunnies get restless, so I hope to write more of them. ^_^

    1. Icon for BranchBranch Post author

      *pleased* Thank you! I’ve been trying to write these two for ages and this was the first I managed; glad you liked it.

  6. Shinigamis_fish@livejournal.com

    *whimper* Want… I just found you, and you are possibly my new favorite author, right up there with truly_wished, metaldog, and Sky_dark. Thank you for writing!

  7. sandimonkey

    Wow I didn’t expect that!!! At the beginning,I was wondering “Where is this going.” Then at the end . . . oh my goodness. This is absolutely amazing. Talk about short and SWEET!!!!
