Negative Space

Hisoka thinks about how Tsuzuki is in bed. Porn with Characterization, I-4

Tsuzuki does all the things Muraki didn’t.

Tsuzuki undresses him slowly, carefully, and drapes Hisoka’s clothes messily over the nearest chair. Tsuzki’s hands stroke over and over his body, open and gentle, soothing his skin with body-heat. Tsuzuki kisses down his thighs lightly, lips brushing the inside of Hisoka’s knee.

Tsuzuki’s mouth is hot and eager when it closes over Hisoka’s cock, and he makes little humming sounds when Hisoka thrusts up. His fingers, stroking Hisoka’s back and the curve of his ass, encourage and coax Hisoka to let himself go into slick sensation, to brace his feet and flex his hips up hard.

Tsuzuki stretches out on his stomach, contented smile as good as a purr, and squirms with pleasure as Hisoka’s hands trace his body. He closes his eyes and moans, pushing his ass up in the air, when Hisoka’s fingers work into him, stroking and twisting. He whimpers low in his throat when Hisoka opens him up, and spreads his legs wider.

And that’s why, when Tsuzuki leans over him, Hisoka wraps his legs around Tsuzuki’s hips and rocks into the hard slide of Tsuzuki’s cock inside him. Why he fastens his mouth on Tsuzuki’s, breathing in every gasp. Why he holds Tsuzuki close and lets the man’s emotion soak into every inch of his skin. Why he whispers for Tsuzuki to fuck him harder and tosses his head back and moans openly with the pleasure of each thrust, each rush of sweet feeling.

Hisoka knows what sex is. He knows what love is. He knows what Muraki is, and he knows the difference.

And that’s why he smiles as they lie together in a sweaty tangle, and strokes Tsuzuki’s hair. Tsuzuki is different. Tsuzuki is his. He will never let Muraki have what’s his.



Last Modified: May 15, 12
Posted: Mar 21, 08
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Riri-tan, nebulia, deadcellredux and 14 other readers sent Plaudits.

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  1. annotated_em@livejournal

    Oh, my. Gorgeous hot smut, and that last sentence is a killer.


    Quite possibly literally, I should imagine.

    1. Icon for BranchBranch Post author

      *hearts* I was thinking about the various ‘post-something’ challenges and whether any of my ynm could be finished in time and was ambushed by this instead.

      It would not surprise me in the least if it was literal. Hisoka is a dangerous little thing.

  2. lady_of_water@livejournal

    I have no idea what fandom this is, but that doesn’t stop it from being hot. *_*

    1. Icon for BranchBranch Post author

      *grins* Yami no Matsuei is gorgeous and gruesome. Lots of pretty bishies on every page and lots of blood and demons and depressed people. I usually write in it to give them some happy moments. Smut rules.

      1. Silvergem88

        I love your fics in this fandom! Totally agree with your thinking, the bishies here can really use some happy moments:) And have I mentioned how much I love your smut? You rule! Tsuzuki rocks~

        1. Icon for BranchBranch Post author

          Thank you! The poor guys, they really do need some happiness to make up for that angst-o-rama that is canon. Glad to hear you’ve enjoyed the stories!

  3. Kata

    I think the comment above should tell you exactly how good this is. I’m not really an obsessed fan of the serie, but I assume you’ll probably change that too. I’m still feeling kind of harassed about being suddenly made into a Yagyuu/Niou fan, because it’s difficult to find good fandom about them *thanks for the link you gave btw*

    I love this site. I’m checking for updates regularly and if I see a new addition… a maniacal laughter will echo around the house and my dog will howl *grins*

    1. Icon for BranchBranch Post author

      *hearts at you* Thank you so much!

      *wry* I have a weird relationship with YnM. I work, now and then, on my “write a happy ending for it” project, but the really urgent fic is always a smutbunny that jumps me out of nowhere, like this one. *laughs*

  4. takerzmuse@livejournal

    Hisoka knows what sex is. He knows what love is. He knows what Muraki is, and he knows the difference.

    Oh, this is wonderful and beautiful, yet – in true YnM style – still manages to hurt. It’s just so lovely; I could cry.

  5. Sunao Fujimori

    I LOVE the last line, it’s just so…sexy and possessive. You are one of the people who can write a really good lemon. I also read your ShiroganexAkira smut fics. *_* Great job, with this, very smexy.

    1. Icon for BranchBranch Post author

      Thank you! I really do think that Hisoka would be the possessive one, out of these two. *grins* Boy knows what he wants.

      1. Sunao Fujimori

        Oh hell he does. Hisoka may seem like an innocent, feminine, bitchy boy on the outside, well, he is, but I bet he’s possessive and sexy on the inside. I still think he would be the Uke though. Whether that has to do with the fact Tsuzuki could have raped him already, due to his size compared to Hisoka’s, I’m not sure. XD
