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Tag: Kankurou

It’s Just That Any One of Us Is Half Without Another One Is You – Chapter Ten

In which Gaara is taken by Akatsuki and Kakashi’s and Gai’s teams are sent to aid Hidden Sand to get him back. Drama, Action, Fluff, I-4

Sasuke gave up on logic, as he so often had to around Naruto and just shook him. “Shut up and listen to me,” he said, low and deadly. “I am not letting you run yourself right into ambush. Understand? Not by those bastards and not because you were too unbelievably bullheaded to Stay. With. Your team!” Three more hard shakes punctuated that, and Naruto finally blinked at Sasuke like he knew who was in front of him.

It’s Just That Any One of Us Is Half Without Another One Is You – Chapter Twelve

Gaara is revived, and Naruto and Sakura take Sasuke home to recover. Drama, Angst, Fluff, Light Porn, I-5

Sasuke didn’t know what he wanted to say until he heard the words, “I really loved my brother,” coming out of his mouth. Sakura took in a quick breath at that and wrapped her arms around him. Sasuke was glad for that; it kept the shaking in his stomach from taking his whole body. “I loved him,” he said again, slowly, painfully. “And then he turned into… that.”